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Face lift

Face lift in Bordeaux France

Facelift, or face lift surgery or rhytidectomy are synonyms of surgical procedure that improves signs of aging in the face and neck (sagging of the face, folds between the nose and corner of the mouth, turkey neck…).

Medicine and facial plastic surgery can “go back in time” by reducing wrinkles, and sagging skin of the face. These degradations of the structures of your face can make you look unfairly angry, sad or tired.

There are different types of facelifts that treats different regions of the face (jawline, cheekbones, neck, look).

Minilift (or the midlife lift):

The MACS Lift (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) facelift or mini-facelift: is often requested, because this procedure is much less invasive than a full-face lift and can be performed in ambulatory under local anesthesia with a little sedation. It consists of an upward suspension of sagging tissues, via minimal access in front of the ear; it is a revolutionary technique to rejuvenate the face, harmoniously and naturally. This results in a nice contour of the jawline, a firmer neck and less visible nasolabial folds (folds between mouth, nose and cheek).

Face and neck Lift (Full face lift):is association of,

– Lower face lifting: contouring of jawline and fading of naso-labial folds 

– Neck lift: redraws the angle between the jawline and the neck, a liposuction of the double chin is often done at the same time.

To get a natural and long-lasting result, one needs not only trim off excess skin, but also put the deep sheath of the face (SMAS) back in position. SMAS is made of connective fibers and muscles. This tightening allows faster recovery, non-enlarged scars, and an “unstretched” natural look.

The facial fat will be repositioned and reshaped. It is aspirated in plump zones and injected in the hollow areas of face. Lipostructure of those areas will allow a fresh and vital appearance of the face.

Face lift scars are almost invisible because hidden around the ear and a few centimeters in the scalp. Your surgeon will make you a prescription of a face lift cream to apply after surgery to optimize healing.

The procedure is performed either under general or local anesthesia. Down time is 2 to 3 weeks during which most swelling and bruising will disappear.


Face lift surgery cost: face lift price depends on planned procedure, type of anesthesia and hospitalization in one of the best aesthetic clinics in Bordeaux.

Face lift before and after pictures can be shown and commented in consultation


Lifting without surgery: laser, dermabrasion, peeling may be offered to improve the quality and texture of the skin, and erase sunspots and fine lines. The deeper wrinkles and cheekbones and dark circles can be filled by injection of hyaluronic acid, or autologous fat (lipostructure or lipofilling). The plumped face thus regains its fullness and good looks. This effect has to be maintained by Botulinum toxin injections (vistabel, botox, bocouture).


After careful study of your face, Dr MESSAS will be able to advice you the most suitable technique, according to your wishes. We will find the best compromise depending on the duration of downtime you can sustain. 

To learn more about the facelifts technique and rare risks please download the information sheet of the French Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery: